We've all seen pre-workout formulas floating around the industry as a highly marketable supplement. We hear about flashy supplement products like protein powder, creatine, and pre-workout.

But what's all the hype? Is it worth the investment? Do you NEED a pre-workout?

The short answer is, no. You don't NEED a pre-workout supplement per se, but they will typically give you a boost of energy. This can range from mild to extreme depending on the ingredients and the dosage. To some, the feeling is mind-numbing, extremely focused, and even euphoric, which is what often keeps people coming back for more.

But just like any supplement, it's there to “supplement” your diet, not to replace it. Meaning, if sleep, nutrition, and stress management are all in a good place, you likely won't feel the need for a pre-workout, because your energy levels will already be solid.

If you workout bright and early,  a scoop of caffeinated pre-workout may leave you feeling a bit more bright eyed and bushy tailed (which can translate to more energy during your lift).But if you workout later in the day, we would advise against using a pre-workout (with stimulants) because the caffeine intake will likely interfere with your sleep quality that night. 

Did you know the average half life of caffeine is about 5 hours? Meaning, if you take a stimulant based pre-workout at 4pm, come 9pm, half of that caffeine dose is still circulating in your body!

If you're a night time gym-goer, we'd recommend using a non-stimulant based pre-workout (if at all) to help with “the pump” but without the added dose of caffeine.

Pre-workout formulas generally come in powders and ready-to-drink containers. In reviewing a pre-workout label, you'd likely find a list of ingredients like caffeine and caffeine derivatives, B-vitamins, creatine, arginine, beta-alanine and L-citrulline. 

Below is a description of each ingredient so that if you DO want to purchase a pre-workout, you know what to look for (or not look for!) based on your needs!



Caffeine has been shown to boost both energy & brain function, allowing you to concentrate on pushing harder. It also has mood-boosting potential. However, be aware that caffeine is in fact a stimulant and some pre-workout formulas can have dangerously high doses.

If you have any heart issues, skip these. 

Note: If you already drink a ton of coffee, you may want to swap a cup for your pre-workout instead to keep daily caffeine levels in check. 

Typically, pre-workout containers do come with a warning label, listing the possible side effects. Read carefully and heed the warning if it pertains to you!  

It's very likely that all of us at one point or another have taken a pre-workout that did NOT sit well with us; cold sweats, nausea, blurred vision, etc (not a good feeling!). This is likely from an overabundance of caffeine! 


These help with energy release, similar to caffeine, however they do not have a stimulant effect like caffeine. B vitamins work by breaking down nutrients which in turn, helps to release energy. 

B vitamins can also help with cardiovascular function, nervous system function, and red blood cell formation.


Creatine is often used as a standalone supplement, but sometimes it's thrown into a pre-workout formula.

The primary benefit of supplementing creatine is an improvement in strength and power output during resistance exercise. Simply put, creatine gives your muscles the ability to lift heavier weight and perform more reps by rapidly producing energy (ATP- adenosine triphosphate).

Creatine may also provide cognitive benefits but we need a bit more research in that area!

Arginine (Often referred to as L-arginine)

Arginine is a non-essential amino acid and typically works to aid in the production of nitric oxide (NO2), another popular supplement that helps open up your blood vessels for increased blood flow. Increased blood flow = increased oxygen to the working muscles = increased strength levels (and a damn good “pump”!)… At least this is the theory.

Unfortunately, this effect appears to be unreliable in otherwise healthy adults.


Beta-alanine has been shown to enhance muscular endurance, which is why it's often included in pre-workout formulas.

NOTE: Large doses of beta-alanine may cause a tingly feeling called paresthesia. Parasthesia is a harmless side effect but not everyone enjoys the feeling of wanting to rip their face off so beware!

L-Citrulline (Also known as citrulline malate)

L-Citrulline, is another amino acid (like arginine) that has the ability to boost NO2 levels. Remember, more NO2 means better blood flow, which typically means better/stronger workouts.

However, research suggests that taking citrulline will lead to higher and more consistent arginine levels than taking arginine alone. Thus, cirtulline & arginine should be used in conjunction with one another (and often are).

Generally speaking, you could purchase any of these products as a standalone, but oftentimes, these ingredients work off of one another (like the citrulline/arginine example).

When using a pre-workout formula, always be mindful of how your body reacts. You will know pretty shortly after taking one if it sits well with you or not. If you feel really jittery, anxious, hot/sweaty or your heart starts racing, it may be best to skip it next time (or lessen the dose). 

Also be aware of the additional ingredients that you see in the fine print. Pre-workout formulas can often contain artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, and other fillers, which may present their own symptoms.

The bottom line is, always follow the directions on the label, start off with a lower dose if needed, and let your body acclimate before you start slamming multiple scoops. 

Need a recommendation for a pre-workout or have a suggestion for another supplement you'd like us to cover?

Reach out and someone from the Level TEN team will get back to you as soon as they can!

We hope you learned something new! - Courtney Hartmann


