Have you gotten out of the routine of meal prepping over the summer or just looking for some new ideas? Here are a few things that have worked for me over the years.

The key here is simple, yet interesting!


1. Set aside a day and time as part of your weekly schedule to plan and prepare meals/ingredients. You can also decide to pick two days of the week and do a few meals at a time to keep things fresh and minimize time all in one day. An example might be preparing meals for Monday-Wednesday on Sunday morning and taking some time Wednesday evening to prepare for the remainder of the week. Put it on your calendar and COMMIT!

2. Look at recipes, prepare a shopping list and have all ingredients for the week BEFORE you begin your meal prep. Here are a few of my favorite resources for inspiration:

3. Buy staple ingredients in bulk. Nuts and seeds, spices, frozen fruits and veggies, quinoa, oats, rice, and proteins that I can freeze (ground turkey/chicken, chicken sausage, etc) are staples I like to always have on hand since they show up in so many of my recipes. Find your staples and consider buying at a wholesaler such as Costco or Sam’s or purchasing dry goods online from Thrive Market or Amazon to make your life easier. Stocking up on items when they go on sale can also save some money.

4. Prepare your space and refrigerator. There is nothing more frustrating than starting in a space that's already cluttered. Having quality storage containers (glass is best!) is key to making your meal prep easier. Consider buying some Pyrex glass containers in various sizes to store your meals and leftovers. You also don’t want to have things prepared, and have to run around trying to find containers that fit! Before beginning to cook, lay out all ingredients.

If you are using the same ingredients for multiple recipes, go ahead and prep ingredients at the same time (for example, if you are using sweet potatoes for a breakfast hash and in a Buddha Bowl for lunch, go ahead and chop them all at the same time!)

5. If you aren’t planning on making every meal ahead of time, consider washing and chopping all of your veggies in advance so you don’t have to do it on busy days. This also prevents those peppers or greens from sitting in the bottom of the fridge to be forgotten! This is also why glass containers are great (you are more likely to snack on your sliced veggies if you can see them).

6. Keep it simple! If it takes too much time or is too much for you week after week, you won’t continue to do it. Of course, when you first start out planning meals in bulk for the week, it takes some extra time to figure out what works or does not work for you. After some time and experience, you find ways to make it more efficient and what types of recipes work best to make ahead.

Some of my go-to’s are:

  • Make-ahead smoothie packs (add everything to plastic baggies or containers except the liquid and throw in the freezer!)

  • Hard boiled eggs

  • Chia seed pudding

  • Breakfast bakes or egg muffins

  • Stuffed Peppers or zucchini boats

  • Buddha Bowls

  • Salads (using different greens, homemade dressings and toppings)

  • Egg Roll in a Bowl

  • Avocado mayo chicken, tuna or egg salad

7. Plan your day from start to finish. What I mean by this is plan out your breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks during the day. This leaves less room to stray from your plan or fall into “food emergencies”. This will help you to stay on track and be prepared when you are out and about or traveling as well.

8. Go-to snacks – It’s great to keep some snacks on hand (in the car, desk drawer at work, purse, gym bag, etc.)

  • Mixed nuts or homemade trail mix

  • Almond/cashew butter and an apple or sliced veggies

  • Healthy bars (such as Rx bars) or homemade energy bites

  • Jerky (Epic, Chomps, etc.)

  • Fuel for Fire or GoGoSqueeze

  • Dark chocolate

Want a fun little meal planner to help you plan out your meals and groceries for the week? Click the button below!



