We’ve all heard it before… Maybe some of us have actually said it… The “New Year, New Me” mentality that comes around every January.

Most people are looking to drop fat, shed the pounds and revamp their health altogether. As health & nutrition coaches, we love to hear it! HOWEVER - This is also the time of year that the supplement industry promotes their new and improved fat burning "formulas."

Fat burners can be tempting - we know. 

And when we feel like we've tried everything under the sun to lose the weight, we may feel more enticed to add a fat burner to our daily regimen.

 But do you know and understand what the ingredients in a fat burner actually do? 

 If not, listen up  because this can save you a WHOLE lot of $$$ this year!



  • Comes from coffee beans that haven’t been roasted. 

  • It contains caffeine to help boost energy levels

  • Green coffee bean extract also contains Chlorogenic Acid which “may” help glucose metabolism.


  • This is an amino acid, the tiny building blocks that make up proteins. 

  • L-Theanine aids in rest and also reduces anxiety.


  • This is also found in pre workouts! 

  • It is used to help increase cognitive function and your ability to focus.


  • This powerful ingredient has the ability to block alpha-2 adrenergic receptors located in fat cells which, in theory, could lead to increased fat loss and weight loss.


  • This is known for its appetite suppression and is also widely used to increase serotonin levels which can help decrease anxiety.

While there are several other common “fat burning” ingredients, these tend to be most common.

So, how do these actually aid in fat loss? There's usually one of 4 ways …

Increased Energy

The ingredients that increase energy levels (green coffee extract, green tea, caffeine anhydrous, cayenne pepper, etc) will make it easier for you to crush your workouts. If you're super energized and as a result, you're moving more, this could in theory lead to more fat loss results.


Reduced Anxiety

 The ingredients that reduce anxiety (5-HTP, ashwaganda, l-theanine, l-tyrosine, etc) will aid in better fat loss results by lowering cortisol levels and improving your mood so that you mentally feel your best and feel motivated to push through! When we mentally feel better, we're more likely to stick to our routine, get our workouts done, etc. Thus, in theory, leading to more “fat loss”. 


Suppressed Appetite

The ingredients that suppress appetite (5-HTP, Garcinia Cambogia etc) will “aid in fat loss”  simply by reducing your appetite. If you're less hungry, you may be more likely to stick to your caloric deficit (which is what's needed for fat loss).


Improved Cognitive Function

The ingredients that increase your ability to focus (Hyperzine A, l-theanine, citicoline, etc) will help improve your workouts, stay focused on your goal and fight tiredness throughout the day.  Again, if we're less tired and more focused, we're more likely to be up and moving, which in theory, can assist in fat loss.

You picking up what we're putting down?

“Fat burning” supplements  simply contain ingredients that may INDIRECTLY make it easier for you to adhere to your programming so you can be more consistent with your nutrition and training plan. But, at the end of the day, proper training programming and a caloric deficit are still needed for fat loss - regardless of whether or not you take a fat burner. 

So all in all, can a fat burner help you lose more fat?

Technically - it's possible. But - only because the ingredients will make it easier for you to stick to your plan - NOT because they're magic pills that make your body fat miraculously vanish into thin air.

If you are not eating in a caloric deficit NOR training properly for fat loss to occur then, well, fat burners are essentially useless.

Supplements can be great - but they're not the end -all-be-all (and we say this with several of Level TEN's coaches having supplement sponsorships)!

Some supplements can absolutely impact your overall health and well being but…. THEY WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER replace quality food, a proper energy balance, training hard and smart, sleeping soundly and managing your stress! 



